Everyone dies. Deal with it. You can be scared of it, but just remember that it happens to everybody. If someone close to you dies, I am sorry! That sucks, dude. But please don't revolve your life around that death. Their time just came a little earlier than yours. You will probably see them again in the next life. Just deal with it. Make yourself realize that that person is not coming back. I wish we could bring them back, but we just can't. We can have that memory of that person in our heart forever, but let's get on with life, and look to the better of the situation: They are probably happier!
But, where do we go? Do we go to Heaven? Hell? Do we get reincarnated into someone or something? Or is death just the end of it? No one really knows. Some people like to claim that they know the "truth" but do they really? How can you be so sure of it. I guess we will all just find out when we die. I think that that is the only way you will get your true answer. You can join a religion and go by their principles, and think if they know where you go. I'm just waiting 'til I die to get my answer. I don't really care to find out until then!
Live your life to the fullest, everyone. I absolutely hate seeing all these depressed people that the world has to offer. This is your life, bro! Live it good!! Do what you want to do! #YOLO!! You only live once, man! Live it GOOD!! If the way your living your life makes you happy, then you are livin' it good. Happiness is the key to a good life. If you're not happy, your life is shit! Why would you want to be pissed off at the world? I just don't know how that is fun. But whatever floats your boat! If being a downer makes you happy, then good for you. All I really know is that if I'm happy, I'm living a good life!
But in the end, we all die. No one can do anything about it.